Compack – Recycling

Compack works with organizations across industries on multiple fronts.
Compack’s understanding of A Circular Economy is completed by its Recycling vertical.

Compack works extensively on creating its model of working from creation of plastics for consumer & industrial purpose to Recycling those packaging products for a healthy environment & space for future.

Compack provides organizations of all sizes with EPR COMPLIANCE, which stands for Extended Producers Responsibility – A government law & compliance mandated, for organizations to effectively continue production licenses.

EPR laws & compliance is gradually becoming stringent across the country. EPR soon would be applicable to companies of all sizes who are primarily into manufacturing.

Compack works with Recycling organizations to help our clients comply with EPR by

Providing expired/to be scrapped products into recycling plants, cement plants & more.

Procuring waste from municipal corporations on behalf of our clients & recycling/ disposing waste to comply with said laws.